Combined PharmD-MBA Program

As the complexity of healthcare delivery increases, there is a growing need for clinicians (like pharmacists) who also have management training and expertise.  Pharmacists with MBAs are found in both the public and private sectors, working in government, academia, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, consulting companies, and in their own private practices.  The additional knowledge and skills provided by an MBA can provide individuals with unique advantages across different sectors.


Consideration for admission to the Combined PharmD-MBA program will be given to students who:

  1. Are enrolled in the full-time PharmD program;
  2. Have completed at least an appropriate bachelor’s level degree (e.g., Bachelor of Science) from a recognized institution prior to enrolment in the PharmD program;
  3. Have successfully completed all Year 2 PharmD program requirements and are in good academic standing;
  4. Meet the admission requirements of the 2-year MBA program.  Admission to the MBA program is entirely at the discretion of the Rotman School of Management and will be based on the standards and requirements of that School as indicated on their website at:

Program Outline

Year 1:

Students complete all requirements of the First Year of the PharmD program.

Students interested in the Combined PharmD-MBA program are encouraged to familiarize themselves with admission requirements to the Rotman School of Management during Year 1 of the PharmD Program.  Completion of the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) or equivalent prior to the start of Year 2 of the PharmD program is recommended, to facilitate the application process.

Year 2:

Students complete all requirements of the Second Year of the PharmD program.

In order to qualify for the combined PharmD-MBA program, students must receive a letter of acceptance from the Rotman School of Management by March 1 of Year 2 in the PharmD program, meaning students must meet Rotman’s Cycle 2 Admission Deadline (see for further details).  Once a letter of acceptance has been received, the student will defer admission to the MBA program for one year, in order to complete PharmD degree requirements.

Students’ registration in ACORN is transferred from the PharmD program to the Combined PharmD-MBA program effective the summer session immediately following the fall/winter session of Year 2.  During this summer session, students complete PHM251H1 Early Practice Experience 2 in May/June and then complete PHM348H1 Intermediate Pharmacy Practice Experience in July/August.

Year 3:

Students complete the requirements of the fall term of the Third Year of the PharmD program (i.e., 5 required courses and 1 elective course). In this term students also complete PHM400H1 Transition to Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience prior to commencing their Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE) rotations.  During the winter term of Year 3 students complete three five-week APPE rotations.  They also complete three five-week APPE rotations during the summer session immediately following Year 3. 

Year 4:

Students are registered in the PharmD program for the fall term of Year 4, and complete a self-directed course in pharmacy, PHM488H1 Independent Study Course in Social and Administrative Pharmacy.

Students are also registered in the MBA program (for both the fall and winter terms) and complete all requirements of the First Year of the MBA program.

Please note that the fall term courses of the First Year of the MBA program fulfill the selective/elective requirement of the winter term of the Third Year of the PharmD program.  Consequently, the requirements of the PharmD degree are completed by the end of the fall term of Year 4.  The PharmD degree is conferred in June, immediately following Year 4.  Students will then be eligible to take the Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada (PEBC) Qualifying Examinations Parts I and II as part of the process of registration as a pharmacist with the Ontario College of Pharmacists.

Year 5:

Students complete all requirements of the Second Year of the MBA program.  The MBA degree is conferred in June, immediately following Year 5.

The program requirements for the MBA component of the Combined PharmD-MBA program can be found on the Rotman School of Management’s website at:

The following table provides a summary of the “registration path” of students enrolled in the Combined PharmD-MBA program.

 Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5
Fall TermFull-time PharmD ProgramFull-time PharmD Program

Full-time PharmD Program

PHM400H1 Transition to APPE

Full-time PharmD Program

Full-time MBA Program

Full-time MBA Program
Winter TermFull-time PharmD ProgramFull-time PharmD Program

APPE Rotations (15 weeks)

Full-time MBA ProgramFull-time MBA Program
Summer TermPHM151H1 EPE-1

May/June:  PHM251H1 EPE-2

July/August:  PHM348H1 IPPE
(registration in Year 3)

APPE Rotations (15 weeks)
(registration in Year 4)
PharmD degree conferredMBA degree conferred


Policies and Procedures

The policies and procedures contained in the Faculty Calendar for the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy are applicable for the PharmD component of the Combined PharmD-MBA program.  However, students should be aware that any delay in their normal progress in the PharmD component will likely impact their eligibility to proceed to the MBA component.  In this case, students will be permitted to return to the four-year PharmD program.

Requirements to graduate with honours:

  • a cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.50 or higher in the Doctor of Pharmacy program;
  • a grade of 'Honours' in at least 2.0 of the 3.5 Intermediate and Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience full-course equivalents, and a grade on 'Pass' in the remaining IPPE/APPE courses; and
  • a passing grade in all courses completed in the first term of the MBA program.

The policies and procedures of the Rotman School of Management are applicable to the MBA component of the Combined PharmD-MBA program.

Financial Assistance

The Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy provides a bursary for selected students enrolled in the PharmD component of the Combined PharmD-MBA program who have:

  • Demonstrated commitment to management and leadership in pharmacy;
  • A strong academic background, with a cumulative GPA in the pharmacy program of at least 2.0;
  • Financial need to support their post-graduate studies.

Information about the Combined PharmD-MBA Bursary will be provided to students at the start of their registration in Year 4 of the PharmD program.  This will include information on the application process and deadline.  Please note that funds are limited and it is not guaranteed that all students who submit an application will receive a bursary.

Once enrolled in the MBA component, students should consult with the Rotman School of Management for potential sources of financial assistance.