This course builds on general knowledge and skills gained in the first three years of pharmacotherapy courses. It allows students to gain the fundamental pharmacotherapeutic knowledge and practice skills to care for patients from the neonatal period to the adolescent years. In addition to covering evidence-based pharmacotherapy of several pediatric conditions, the course integrates relevant normal development and physiology (fetal, neonatal, infant, child and adolescent), pathophysiology, clinical pharmacokinetics, medication safety, poison prevention, and patient (through the ages) and caregiver education. Each week the course will consist of two hours of lectures and group case discussions primarily presented by pediatric clinicians from Sick Kids Hospital. The course allows students to effectively manage pediatric patients’ medication therapy in selected pediatric conditions, prepares the student for pediatric direct patient care (DPC) and non-direct patient care (NDPC) rotations, and encourages a career in pediatric pharmacy practice.