This course is designed to provide students interested in mental health and addictions with a broader knowledge base in the field. It will introduce students to the mental health and addiction system in Canada, the role of stigma in accessing and providing care, the role of psychotherapy and the evidence base for specific modalities, including cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT), mindfulness therapy, and motivational interviewing. The course will also address issues such as medication adherence and mental health first aid. Students will also be taught how to use validated scales to assess for psychotropic-induced movement disorders. The course will introduce additional mental health disorders/issues, not covered in PHM302H1 including psychotropic medication use in pregnancy and lactation and child and adolescent psychiatry. It will also cover key substance use disorders/issues in more depth than was possible in PHM302H1, including harm reduction principles, cannabis use (recreational and medicinal), recreational drugs and anabolic steroids. The course will be taught using a variety of techniques including didactic lectures, observed patient interviews (video-simulation), case-based learning and interactive group learning.